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Aldercar Infant & Nursery School

AldercarInfant & Nursery School

Where the children are the stars

Useful links

Please click on each link for further information. Please note that the school does not approve any site and cannot be held responsible for the content of external websites.

BUZZ The NDCS website for deaf children and young people.

IPSEA is a registered charity offering free and independent advice to parents of
children with special educational needs in England and Wales.

RNID (Action on hearing loss) is the largest charity working to change the world for
the UK’s 9 million deaf and hard of hearing people.

BDA The British Deaf Association is a member led organisation focused on achieving
equality for Deaf people through campaigning and community engagement.

DCAL bringing together leading Deaf and hearing researchers in the fields of sign
linguistics, psychology and neuroscience.

British Sign Information about British Sign language and fingerspelling

British Sign Language Dictionary  useful for looking up signs you need!

The National Deaf Children's Society is the leading charity dedicated to creating a world without barriers for deaf children and young people.  

www.derbyshire.gov.uk/education Everything you need to know about schools, education, learning and childcare in Derbyshire

The Derbyshire Local Offer aims to pull information about available services into one place, including leisure and activity providers, health and care services, education providers and support groups.

Signed Stories Making hundreds of children’s stories accessible in British Sign Language (BSL), as well as with text, pictures and sound.

Deaf Books publish BSL educational materials and have a number of free downloads and games.

I CAN Charity that helps children with speech and language difficulties across the UK. I CAN provides a combination of specialist therapy and education for children, information for parents, and training and advice for teachers and other professionals.

The Communication Trust believes that speech, language and communication skills are the most important skills that every child needs to succeed in life. The purpose of the Trust is to raise awareness of the importance of speech, language and communication across the children's workforce and to enable practitioners to access the best training and expertise to support the communication needs of all children.

Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service for SEND provides impartial advice for special educational needs and disability (formerly known as Parent Partnership). An advice line is available on 01629 533668 from Monday to Friday 9.30am to 3pm, or via email at ias.service@derbyshire.gov.uk

Derbyshire County Council Hearing and Deafness advice A handy leaflet published by Derbyshire County Council, with lots of useful links to other resources and websites.