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Aldercar Infant & Nursery School

AldercarInfant & Nursery School

Where the children are the stars

SEND Information Report

(Reviewed and updated July 2024)

Aldercar Infant and Nursery school is a mainstream school with an Enhanced Resource Facility (ERF) for deaf and hearing impaired pupils; we are part of the Embark Federation multi-academy trust. . We have a clear approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and are supported by Embark Multi Academy Trust and outside agencies to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. Please read this report in conjunction with our Special Educational Needs and Disability policy and information about our provision for deaf and hearing impaired children. 

 Please contact school if there is anything you would like to discuss regarding your child’s individual needs. You can contact Mrs Siddons, who is our Headteacher, Mrs Smith who is our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCo), or Miss Eaton who is our Teacher of the Deaf (TOD). 

Contact Number 01773 713428 or info@aldercar-inf.derbyshire.sch.uk

The LA Local Offer

The `Children and Families Bill’ states that from 1st September 2014, Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for the children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEND) aged 0-25. This information is published in the LA’s `Local Offer’ and in the schools SEND Information Report.

The intention of the `Local Offer’ is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision available in the local area.

Derbyshire County Council's Local Offer can be found at: www.derbyshiresendlocaloffer.org.

Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service (DIASS) for SEND

Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service (DIASS) provides independent information, advice and support to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), as well as their parents and carers

Further information can be found at https://www.derbyshireiass.co.uk/home.aspx 

Frequently asked questions:

Who should I to talk to in school?

If you are thinking of sending your child to our school you can contact the SENDCo, TOD, or the Headteacher to discuss your child’s individual needs, disabilities, difficulties with learning or specific special educational needs. If your child is already in our school, you can contact their class teacher or any of the above.

What can Aldercar Infant and Nursery School offer me and my child?

We offer a supportive learning environment that reflect the needs of our diverse community. In addition, we have a specialist provision for deaf children who are successfully educated with their hearing peers. The whole school community attend regular deaf awareness sessions. All staff have additional skills and expertise to provide for the needs of all our children.

How does the school identify children who have special needs?

At different times in their school life, a child or young person may have a special educational need. The Code of Practice 2014 defines SEND: “A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special education provision to be made for him or her.

A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

  • has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others the same age, or

  • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.

We will take time to get to know your child and yourselves. We will gather Information through observation and assessments and seek your views and those of your child to identify and provide for your child’s needs.

Does the school have a governor who has responsibility for SEND provision in school?

The SEND Governor is Mr Ashley Leary. He takes a special interest in all our children with additional needs and meets with members of staff to monitor the provision in school.

What support is available within school to meet the needs of my child?

All class teachers ensure that they build upon what your child can already do and ensure that they plan for the needs of individuals in their everyday teaching. They are also supported by the TOD, SENDCo, and highly trained support staff, including a Deaf Tutor. Some children will receive small group intervention or access one to one support as necessary with school staff or outside agencies. This is wholly dependent upon the child’s individual needs. We also have excellent links with external agencies such as: -

Educational Psychology Service
Sensory Service for children with physical, visual or hearing needs
DIAS (formerly Parent Partnership Service)
SALT (Speech and Language Therapy)
Health Provision that may be drawn upon and delivered in school
School Nurse/Health Visitors
Occupational Therapy
Children and Adults Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Educational Audiologist
Cochlear Implant Team
The Audiologist
Behaviour Support
Autism Outreach Service

How is extra support allocated to children?

The school budget, received from the Local Authority, includes money for supporting children with SEND. Additional funding is given to the school to provide support for our deaf children. The Headteacher decides on the deployment of resources for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, in consultation with the school governors, the SENDCo and the Teacher of the Deaf, on the basis of needs within the school.

The Headteacher, SENDCo and/or TOD discuss all the information they have about SEND in the school. From this information, they identify resources, training and support to meet individual needs.  This is reviewed regularly and changes made as appropriate.

Some children will have their key provision identified within  an Educational Health Care Plan. Each child’s progress will be reviewed through the Statutory review process.

What training have staff had to meet the diverse needs of children with SEND?

The SENDCo and TOD are qualified teachers, and both have undertaken extensive specialist training within their field.  In their role they provide support to the class teacher and teaching assistants in co-ordinating provision for children with SEND. The school provides relevant training based on the needs of children in our school and to ensure we can meet the needs of new pupils joining our school. Whole staff training is undertaken as and when appropriate.

Staff have additional qualifications to fully meet the needs of our deaf children, including BSL level 2, for specialist staff, and BSL1 for the majority of staff across all roles and responsibilities.

How will the school involve me and my child in discussing and planning their education?

At Aldercar, we realise the fundamental importance of working collaboratively with parents to ensure children's individual needs are met.  We do this by forging good relationships with parents, regular communications, and by liaising with staff, parents and external agencies.

Our children are always at the centre of what we do and are encouraged to share their successes, achievements and favourite moments at all annual review meetings, this may be presented in a variety of ways according to their maturity, needs and abilities.

Parents are regularly invited to discuss their child’s progress and achievements. You will be able to contribute to your child’s Individual Education Plan and to identify their next steps in learning, on a termly basis. Our SENDCo and TOD are available to discuss your child’s needs at other times as necessary. All information from outside professionals will be discussed with you. A home-school contact book may be used to support communication with you, when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child. 

How accessible is your school environment?

Our school aims to be inclusive and the building has been created to promote good listening, watching and learning conditions for all children. Acoustic improvements have been fitted to enhance the listening for our deaf learners, for example all classrooms are fitted with soundfield systems, including the hall.

The school itself is accessible from the main entrance and there are lifts to enable access into all levels of the school for wheelchair users. Support is available or can be made available to provide access and mobility as appropriate, to meet the needs of all learners and parents/carers.

Communication support is provided to meet the individual language needs of deaf children. 


How will the school support my child in starting school and moving on?

We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND, and we take steps to ensure that any transition is a smooth as possible. If your child is joining us: 

  • Contact will be made between ourselves and the previous setting to pass on vital information/records.

  • Your child will be able to visit our school and stay for a taster session, if this is appropriate.

  • SENDCo or TOD will liaise with you and any relevant support services.

- If your child is moving to another school:

  • We will contact the school SENDCo and ensure he/she knows about any special arrangements or support that need to be made for your child. Where possible, a planning meeting will take place with the SENDCo from the new school and passport shared.

  • We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.

  • Additional time will be allocated to your child to prepare them for the move.

  • We will arrange transition visits and invite new staff to visit our school to get to know your child

  • Guidance and training will be given by the TOD or SENDCo to facilitate the best transition possible.

- When moving classes in school:

  • Information will be passed on to the new class teacher in advance and staff meetings will take place between all staff to share information and records.

  • Additional visits into their new class will be arranged as required.

How will the school support my child’s social and emotional wellbeing?

We recognise that some children have additional emotional and social difficulties that need to be developed and nurtured. For those children we are able to offer small group structured support e.g. nurture group, positive play.

Deaf children begin to develop relationships with their deaf friends through our weekly Deaf Club.  A deaf studies curriculum is used to teach children about all aspects of deafness, and we provide links with the wider deaf community.

Further information

For further information, or to arrange an appointment to speak to the SENDCo or TOD please contact the school office on 01773 713428.