Embark Award
We are part of the Embark family of schools, which includes a number of other schools across the Derbyshire area. Children across the Embark schools all have the opportunity to work towards gaining the Embark Award.
What is the Embark Award?
The Embark Award is part of the trust’s commitment to the wider offer for our children. It is made up of 100 activities which our children can complete by the age of eleven. It is based around Embark Trust’s 4 core beliefs of
Family, Integrity, Teamwork and Success.
As our children will leave our Infant school at age seven or eight, they possibly won't have time to complete all of the 100 activities before they leave. Infant children can aim to achieve their Bronze, Silver and Gold awards, by completing the number of activities below:
Bronze Award – 30 activities
Silver Award – 50 activities
Gold Award – 70 activities.
The activities encourage family learning at home as well as school related activities. Evidence of an activity being completed can be in the form of eg a photograph, a certificate etc. which can be sent to us via class dojo.
Each child has their own folder in class, in which to keep their evidence and place stickers as activities are achieved. We aim to send activities out during each term. As your child completes an activity we ask that you send a picture via the portfolios section in Class Dojo, adding a comment so that we know it relates to the award.
We hope you will enjoy the different activities as much as your children and ourselves.
The 100 Challenges
These are the 100 challenges, split across the 4 core beliefs of the trust. We have highlighted the ones we feel are age appropriate to our children and would like our children, yourselves and school to work on. ENJOY!
- Help to cook a Family Meal
- Send School a postcard
- Make something with family (eg a model) and bring it/photo into school
- Go on family visit and send a picture or write about it
- Join local Library, attend with family and then read a book together
- Write/e-mail to another member of the Embark Family at a different school
- Play a game with another child from the Embark Family at a different school
- Visit the theatre either with school or a Family member (YR2 pantomime visit)
- Go for a walk in the countryside
- Have a family picnic
- Interview a family member about their job
- Draw a Family tree and speak to a family member about the past
- Visit a beach (could be a set-up one), build a sandcastle and take a picture
- Build a den (with your family/family member) and take a photo
- Attend a sporting event
- Attend a visit with another school from the Embark Family
- Grow something in your garden to enjoy (eg flowers) or eat (eg beans, carrots)
- Visit another country and write a diary
- Go to a place of worship with your family
- Perform in a school show to the members of your family
- Photograph a family pet and describe how you look after/care for it
- Encourage all members of your family to write a comment on our school website or social media page
- Climb a mountain as a team
- Play a board game with your family
- Play in the snow and build something e.g a snowman
- Raise at least £10 for a charity event
- Take part in a charity event out of school
- Organise a charity event/ run a stall
- Lead an assembly on a worthwhile topic
- Clean up the community/school grounds (litter pick, recycling)
- Help improve an area of the school
- Keep a recycling diary
- Make an environmental poster
- Help someone in need
- Become a mini leader
- Care for new child at school/become a buddy (reader) and model good choices
- Take care of school equipment (class ‘monitor’ over a period of time)
- Teach someone a new skill
- Encourage Healthy Eating – create a poster
- Promote good hygiene in school/home – create a poster for handwashing/sing handwashing song
- Sing in an old people’s home
- Make someone in our community smile, make a difference
- Online Safety – promote and display appropriate us of IT equipment, report inappropriate use
- Follow a nature trail
- Hand something in of value that you have found
- Write a positive comment on our school website
- Help to build a memorial – eg. Remembrance poppies in school grounds
- Random act of kindness – appear on our board
- Promote British Values – democracy, tolerance and respect
- Learn about someone else’s religion in your school or community
- Participate in 3 school competitions in a year (virtual if necessary)
- Take part in a school camp out
- Solve a problem with a group of friends
- Attend an after school club for at least 6 sessions
- Belong to any team outside of school and show us evidence of this
- Take part in an enterprise project in school
- Represent the school as part of a team
- Represent Embark as part of a team
- Take part in a school performance to an audience as a team
- Represent your class on the school council
- Lead a team of children in school
- Convince your teacher over the year that you are an effective team member
- Teach another group of children a new skill
- Contribute to a team at sports day
- Be a Buddy Reader
- Receive an award e.g sticker or certificate etc that recognises your team work or helping someone else
- Take part in a team activity outside in the dark
- Help someone in class who is struggling
- Complete a team Project in class with children you don’t normally work with
- Build a structure with a team in class
- Cook a meal as a team/plan a menu
- Learn how to give constructive feedback to a fellow pupil/team member
- Show resilience as a team by working together to overcome a difficult situation.
- Set yourself a stretch goal
- Get a team to set up or scavenger/treasure hunt for children in the Embark family
- Learn a musical instrument and perform it to others
- Complete a reading challenge
- Times Tables – award for improvement
- Spellings – award for improvement
- Complete a school bike ride over 10 miles
- Perform a lead role in a school play
- Achieve 25 metres swimming
- Write a book/article for the website/school newspaper/song
- Appear in the media for something successful or win a competition
- Have a conversation in a different language (EAL/sign)
- Piece of artwork displayed in a gallery (school gallery)
- Raise over £50 for charity
- Take part in a triathlon
- Attend a school residential
- Solve a complex problem
- 100% attendance (in a term)
- Receive a head teachers award in assembly (25 stamp award)
- Receive individual praise from a member of the community (or a school visitor)
- Read at the front in a main assembly/performance
- Bring in an individual award that you have achieved outside of school
- Produce a new invention/idea that makes a difference
- Conduct a science experiment and tell us about it
- Deliver a power point presentation
- Develop one of the following: coding for a new programme, new recipe
- Complete work experience and record your aspirations for the future