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Aldercar Infant & Nursery School

AldercarInfant & Nursery School

Where the children are the stars

Keeping Safe

Keeping our children safe and making sure they are happy in school is the single most important thing to us. They are why we are here.

In school, we do a lot of learning about Staying Safe and Feeling Good About Yourself in many areas of our Curriculum: PSHE, R-Time, NSPCC Pants, Anti-Bullying Education, Relationships and Sex Education, Drugs Education and Internet Safely.

We want to give our children the skills and confidence to thrive, and recognise the role that we all have in helping children to achieve this.  We have put together some helpful resources for families to access, so that together we can do the best we can in keeping our children safe whilst they develop and grow.

Here is further information on how we encourage children to stay safe, along with advise on keeping safe out and about in the community:  
Stay Safe and Feeling Good About Yourself
Sun Safety advice
Railway and platform safety advice
Water safety
Cold water shock
Safety at quarries and rivers

You can also click on the link for further information on our Safeguarding policies. 


The NSPCC Talk PANTS programme helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and provides advice and learning at age-appropriate levels. 

The NSPCC website has a wealth of information on how we can protect children, and covers topics such as PANTS, mental health, alcohol and drug abuse, separation, as well as fun activities and resources for families to use at home.  

NSPCC Pantosaurus childrens guide
NSPCC Talk PANTS parents guide
NSPCC Keeping Children Safe - Support for parents


Our world is becoming more and more digital, with the introduction of computers, laptops, tablets, IPads, IPhones and other electronic devices.

It is important for our children to have access to these devices so that they are aware of how to use them safely, as well as understanding their purpose.  A high-quality computing education equips children with the skills and knowledge to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. It allows them to understand how digital systems work, how they can input information into them, and how they can change and adapt their work. It also allows them to express themselves and develop their own ideas.


If you have concerns about online abuse or inappropriate online communication, please click on the link CEOP Police UK safety centre 

How does the school teach our children to make the right choices when using the Internet?

The National Curriculum in England and Wales, September 2013, states that we should teach children to:

‘use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.’

       Things we do in school:

  • Every term in school, your child is being taught different ways to keep safe when using the Internet, through lessons in the classroom and termly assemblies.
  • We also have an e-safety day once a year in the spring term – look out for this on the website/newsletter.
  • The 6 top tips for keeping e-safe are also posted on our termly newsletter..
  • We follow the Embark Online Safety policy.
  • Look out for our Parent workshops on e-safety – come along to discuss and learn how we can work together to ensure the safety of our children when using the Internet.

        Places to go for more information…

Think U Know 5-7
Kid Smart
Safety Net Kids
NSPCC Keeping children safe

       Other apps to download on your phone/tablet…

Net Aware

       Books you can read at home…

The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin
Digi Duck


Remember, the Internet is a wonderful place to learn, find out new ideas and have fun, but we just need to make sure our children are equipped with the knowledge of how to make the right choices, and know what to do if they need help.

Click on the links below to download school information on E Safety:

Internet Safety tips
Online Safety policy